IMPORTANT NOTICE ================== I recently graduated from the University of Michigan with a BS in Computer Science, and I have accepted a job with a major software firm. As a result, I will be unable to provide further support for my shareware programs. This means I will also be unable to develop new versions. I am officially releasing Morning Star and VGA Moire into the Public Domain as copyrighted products. They may be freely distributed, for free. Because I will be unable to provide support services, from now on I will no longer mail disks out, nor will I accept registration fees. Thank you to all of you who have registered and helped put me through college and to get the job I now have. Please ignore any references the documentation may still have to registering and licensing fees, as I can no longer accept them. At the same time, I am going to distribute the source code to both programs. Anyone who is familiar with 80x86 assembly language will be able to examine, modify, enhance, etc, the programs. The source code will be available on some popular Internet anonymous FTP sites (except that right now, hard drive space seems to be a limitation on these FTP sites, so it may be a while before the source code gets up there). Thank you, Christopher Antos